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Ancient Flying Machines



 Many descriptions of Ancient Flying Machines are described as,

‘Two Storied Celestial chariot  with Many Windows and  They roar like off into the sky.”

Imagine Tens of Thousands of Years Ago, People were talking about Flying Machines, all bearing testimony to an underlying knowledge of advanced aerodynamics. The reality is that ancient knowledge of Ancient Flying Machines today has enough proof to make you wonder what really happened to that knowledge, as time moved on. Again, where did the people in those ancient flying machines come from?


There is today enough evidence to come to the conclusion that yes there were

Ancient Flying Machines

Worldwide evidence of Ancient Travel By Ancient Aircraft of one sort or another has been found.

 You can find references about Ancient Flying Machines in

Temple Carvings

Ancient Tombs

  Ancient Ground Cravings

India is another country with a lot of ancient flying machines.

The one that makes it almost impossible not to BELIEVE there were ‘ancient flying machines,‘ it the one written about in the Sanskrit  Samarangana Sutradhara, in which you read.

Strong and durable must the body of Vimana be made, like a great flying bird of light material. Inside one must put the mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus underneath.By means of power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky.


In many of the sacred Hindu books, you can find at least 200 hundred mentions concerning almost every aspect of flying. It appears the ancients knew a lot of what modern man now knows.

In South America you find Ancient Flying Machines

          Is it possible that there were people from other planets  that brought knowledge of flight?   There had to have been. I believe.



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About babarahs

I was born with an Inquiring Mind and I love all things weird. Weird like UFO'S-Mysticism-Ancient Beings-Really ODD stuff found in the Bible. I do not believe in the reality that has been handed down to me. I believe there is only one Reality....Consciousness. I was also born with a great spiritual desire ...which does NOT include any religion or their beliefs.

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